Family and Friends at the airport
Grandma Stein and her newest grandchild.
We are officially home! We slept in our own beds last night, which is always good to do after being gone for a while. I slept until about 9:00 this morning, which made me extremely late for the church golf tournament, but I wouldn't have been able to help a team anyway:)
Since the last post, we have been flying, eating, not sleeping much, and enjoying our new addition. Thank you for all the prayers for travel. Ezekiel did wonderful on all 3 plane trips. He didn't cry once the entire way. (I never want to be that father/family that has the screaming kid that makes the trip miserable for the other passengers!) The boys did well too. We left Taipei around 11:30 p.m. on Thursday night and arrived in San Francisco at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday night. After getting our bags, our shuttle and checked in, we got to the hotel room about 9:00 p.m.--we were wasted, but wanted to make the most of our last night. The boys swam, we ordered pizza to the room, and it took forever to get the boys wound down. We finally got to bed around 11:45 p.m., only to have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to get cleaned up-packed up and to the shuttle by 6:00 a.m.
The trip home was relatively uneventful, which we will take. The worst part about the trip home was that lunch in the Denver airport was $44.00 for some sandwiches, a couple yogurts, and a bowl of soup. If you know me, that was very hard to do, but we had resigned to the fact that the boys had been eating too much junk food and our bodies were out of whack.
We arrived in Wichita on time and were greeted by family and friends who came out to meet our new little guy! We got home around 5:00 p.m. and had an amazing barbeque dinner waiting for us. We have 2 more meals that have been prepared as well, and we are looking forward to devouring them as well. Jennifer's family was able to come over and eat with us and then help start getting things cleaned up from our trip. Another blessing. Our yard was mowed. Brandi, our housesitter, deep cleaned the house before she left. We have received blessing after blessing from our families and our church family who have been so supportive of this adventure.
Jennifer and I can't tell you how much we have appreciated every prayer, every thought, every deed, every gift, everybody who has helped make this all possible. We love you and thank our God for you!
If everything goes according to plan, we will have Zeke at church on Sunday morning to introduce him to the church family. He is still a little sick, so we won't be passing him around much, but can't wait for you to meet him.
May God bless your love and kindness shown to Ezekiel and his new forever family!
Jeff and Jennifer
Awesome!! Welcome home Zeke!! I'm so happy for your entire family-what a blessing you are to them, along with countless others.
ReplyDeleteJeff and Jenn-thank you for blogging. Please continue to update those of us who aren't local, when you can. Our family prays for Zeke each night and Tanner (my daughter) logs on to see if there are recent pictures of Zeke. :)
Zeke is growing up so fast isn't he . The pictures of him are adorable !!!