Thursday, May 24, 2012

Don't Worry!

Don't Worry, Be Joyful! That is the title of the sermon this Sunday at Riverlawn. It is based on Jesus' words in Matthew 6:25-34. There is a lot of great stuff that Jesus reminds us of in that passage, yet I still have a hard time making sure that I don't worry about things. I know it is a spiritual issue and I need to surrender control, but it is harder to do than it is to say. I saw a church sign the other day that said, "Well done is better than well said!"
A lot of times my worry comes in the form of worrying about finances. This past week we had to spend $600 on my car, money on sprinklers, medical bills, dental bill, yard bill, and the list goes on.
As a follower of Christ I know that I need not "worry" about these things, but be diligent in paying for services rendered and honoring God in my finances.
I have been telling several people in counseling this week to "surrender" their will to God's and to leave Him in control.
The ironic thing is that Holy Spirit is trying to get that very thing through to me too!
So, here's to not worrying and to being joyful!

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