This afternoon Joshua busted us up by saying, "Now we really do have a brother from another mother!" Leave it to Joshua to keep us laughing. The morning started with Jennifer and Caleb taking Ezekiel to his doctor's appointment. The doctor said he was looking good, and then prescribed 3 more medicines. They have him on 7 different medicines now, but we are not giving him all of it. The orphanage had us purchase an oxygen tank, but China Airlines said it wasn't the right kind so we can't take it. The doctor doesn't think Ezekiel will have a problem breathing on the plane. We leave here at 10:10 a.m. Central Standard Time and arrive in San Francisco at 9:30 p.m. CST.
We then had to finish packing up from our makeshift home at the Holiday Inn. We checked out and then headed to the orphanage where Zeke has lived for the past year. We got pictures of his room, his friends, and his caregivers, but due to privacy issues we cannot post them. Zeke got to play with his friends from his floor on the orphanage for awhile, and showed off to his caregivers that he could walk.
At 3:00 p.m. we met Zeke's biological mother, grandfather and grandmother. That was pretty emotional. They didn't want to give Zeke up, but had to due to financial reasons. They had tears as they saw how big he has gotten and they all held him for awhile. They had a ton of questions about our family, our community, and what we were able to offer Zeke back in Kansas.
We are now sitting in the Taipei airport waiting for our flight. We had dinner in the airport at Burger King of all places. Now, to make sure we don't miss our flight, we are here 5 hours early!!!!!!
We are excited to see everyone when we get back, but due to all of the stuff that they have Zeke on (including Pretazone that weakens his immune system) we are not going to be passing him around for everyone to hold. We hate that we can't let everyone hold this little bundle of joy, but have got to put his health first.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support!
Jeff, Jen, Caleb, Joshua, Eli, and Zeke (our brother from another mother)!